I always run out of popcorn when following a thread like this one.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Jehovah God is Real
by TakeOffTheCrown inthere are many on this site that do not believe that jehovah truly exists; that he is not a real being.
but, he is as real as next breath you draw into your nostrils.. some of you say that there is no evidence that he exists.
yet, none of you can prove that he does not exits.. cofty, (you come to mind), i appreciate that you have stated, without reservation, that you do not believe that god exists.. yet, you cannot prove it.. hope in jehovah..
Village Idiot
I'm not the only one who sees the similarity am I?
by NikL ini've been thinking this for some time.
we all know what this picture is.... .
well, this is dachau concentration camp.... .
Village Idiot
That JW tower needs a machine gun to be complete.
2016 Election getting family members disfellowshipped
by Ryan007 inhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/11/21/election-rhetoric-getting-people-uninvited-thanksgiving/94208524/.
sarah-jane cunningham knew that her facebook posts about the election were rubbing her family the wrong way, but she didn’t realize the posts would get her uninvited from thanksgiving dinner.. the 19-year-old said her mother called a week before thanksgiving and confronted her about the facebook posts regarding president-elect donald trump.. “she asked me if i was going to be disrespectful to my family, and i told her that it could work either way, cunningham said.
"if the things i am saying are disrespectful to trump supporters, the things they are saying are also disrespectful to me.”.
Village Idiot
Just so you know, I'm not an apostate Jehovah's Witness.
I don't agree with the viewpoints of apostate Jehovah's Witness. To me, they're antagonistic.
So what are you and what are you doing here?
From the terror and riots of Black Lives Matter to the Obama administration's policy on intimate facilities in public schools, when Trump got elected, the next morning, I was walking on sunshine.
You too buddy. You're going to get the best president that rubles can buy.
I'm just taking a second to say, you people don't bother me anymore.
We don't bother you anymore? Seems that you bothered enough to make it an issue.
This is your first thread; we don't know anything about you. Usually some one introduces himself and tells us a bit about his experience with the JWs. So who are you?
Global warming? Maybe next year.
by a Christian inyear of global coolingby david deming.
december 19, 2007 .
al gore says global warming is a planetary emergency.
Village Idiot
Have fun convincing China that all of the money pumping into their economy has anything to do with melting ice caps. Or any other industrialized nation. China is the new elephant in the room.
Concerning China and global warming this article that I wrote shows that there is more to it than widely believed:
When Skeptics are confronted with the need to address human-caused global warming they bring up China’s enormous consumption of oil and coal. Their argument is that it is pointless to do anything since they will pollute the world anyways.
First, one does not engage in wrongdoing and destructive behavior just because others are.
Second, - little do Skeptics realize or care to admit - China wants to switch over to wind power and other clean sources of energy. They want to shift away from their dependence on fossil fuel consumption.
They also want to end the horrid conditions that many of its residents face. Their skies are gray with smoke; their people are wearing dust masks to reduce the amount of toxic air they breathe; their children are starting to get lung cancer.
China is actively developing its wind industry. It has been exporting windmills and their components globally to places such as Ecuador, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Thailand, Romania and even the United States.
An article from Reuters, highlighting China’s commitment to wind power states:
China has been doubling installed wind power capacity every year for the past several years. In 2009, it became the third largest provider world wide behind the United States - behind the United States and Germany - with installed capacity reaching 20GW.
Reuters - Thursday December 23rd, 2010.
Figure 1: China’s skyrocketing investment in wind power indicating a 4,800% increase from 2005-2012 years. U.S. Energy Information Administration.
From the United States Department of Commerce:
Over the past few years, China has overtaken all other countries for installed capacity of solar, wind, and hydro power. China’s unprecedented investment continues to be driven – despite slowing growth in electricity demand – by the policy consensus in support of clean energy within the Chinese government, which has only grown stronger in the wake of the Paris climate agreement.
Department of Commerce, 2016 Top Markets Report Renewable Energy.
Figure 2: China’s commitment to renewable energy sources indicating a 3,200% increase in renewable energy from 2005-2012. U.S. Energy Information Administration.
An article from CNN:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Five miles off the coast of Shanghai, the Chinese recently completed the country's first offshore wind farm.
The project was completed before construction on the first American offshore wind farm has even begun.
The Shanghai project is not just another wind farm. It's the next generation in wind power technology and the latest example of how China is jumping ahead of the United States.
CNN September 23rd, 2010
Figure 3: A wind farm on the outskirts of Beijing.
Figure 4: Chinese pedestrians on a normal day.
China’s toxic environment. What does the future hold for that child?
Figure 5: Father and child in Beijing.
The other Mike Pence described himself to NYMag as a “liberal, atheist, ex-Jehovah's Witness computer programmer,” and “not a bigoted shill
by oppostate inwhile mike pence the vice president-elect is a hardcore conservative christian with a history of anti-lgbt-related controversies, mike pence the software developer appears to be the exact opposite.
he described himself to nymag as a “liberal, atheist, ex-jehovah’s witness computer programmer,” and “not a bigoted shill for the republican party.”.
meet mike pence’s namesake: ‘other’ mike pence has no love lost for vp-elect.
Village Idiot
If he looks anything like The Trump's VP then perhaps we should kill him and replace him with the Liberal Pence.
Global warming? Maybe next year.
by a Christian inyear of global coolingby david deming.
december 19, 2007 .
al gore says global warming is a planetary emergency.
Village Idiot
Check out my website on this issue at: https://globalwarmingeducationfoundation.wordpress.com/
As for colder weather being disproof of global warming take a good look at the temperatures on Goddard Institute maps in the last winter month:
GISS temperature anomaly map for February of 2015. Temperature bar is in degrees Celsius.
Less than 2% of the Earth's surface was colder than average. Also check out the intensity of the warmest color at the lower bar at 15.5 degrees Fahrenheit above normal (8.6 Celsius). Global warming is concentrated in the Arctic regions.
People tend to think that what happens in their backyards must be happening all over.
Tee shirts to send to Caleb & Sofias mum and dad.....
by jambon1 instash: /intesoft-inc.appspot.com/post/e076f84bca044b268072e9ecd2c2dbde.html
Village Idiot
I'm confused though. Are both of the parents gay? Or are they bi who happen to have custody of the child? If the parents are bi why don't they have a t-shirt with a gal or guy holding, with both hands, a girl and a boy?
Enquiring minds would like to know.
Quite Possibly The Most Sinister Speaker Ever?
by pale.emperor inhi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
Village Idiot
His eyes express the gestures of suppressed anger which I presume is directed at us "apostates". He'd be a nasty and worthy opponent to any of us in a confrontation since he is both knowledgeable and eloquent.
By applying the scripture on Psalm 73 against feeling envy for the "wicked" it was amusing to think that she was having a nice conversation with her "wicked" workmate. That would be a perfect sound bite (16:30) to use in making it obvious that JWs consider the rest of humanity "wicked".
Sanctimonious, "WE'RE Thankful EVERY day."
by stillin inthanksgiving is really just a nice, traditional, family-oriented day set aside on a national level.
no babylon the great.
give me a break with the holier than thou, "we don't celebrate thanksgiving.
Village Idiot
The JW mentality is that if the world does it then they won't.
Copy of Crisis of Conscience for Sale
by Village Idiot ini’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
Village Idiot
Could you send it to the Australian Royal Commission? Thanks.
I did e-mail the ARC to inform them about the book. They responded to thank me.